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New OBDSTAR X300 DP VS XTOOL X100 PAD2 comparison table

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In order to make you clear the difference between new arrival OBDSTAR X300 DP and XTOOL X100 PAD2, here uobdii.com give you a comparison table as below: OBDSTAR X300 DP 4.1 OBDSTAR X300 DP 4.2 4.3 Conclusion: OBDSTAR X300 DP is superior to XTOOL X100 PAD 2 in many aspects, such as faster CPU, bigger RAM, long lasting battery and higher resolution. OBDSTAR X300 DP has Bluetooth and One Key Enter functions while XTOOL X100 PAD 2 cannot support. For OBDSTAR X300 DP it’s no need to inquiry pin code, but XTOOL X100 PAD 2 need inquiry manually. And most important is that XTOOL X100 PAD 2 can only allow you to diagnose the basic four systems, but with OBDSTAR X300 DP you can diagnose all systems! OBDSTAR X300 DP full package Immobilizer+ odometer adjustment+ EEPROM/PIC adapter+ OBDII+ ABS+ TPS+ SRS reset+ TPMS(low tire)reset+ Steering angle reset+ CVT learning/Value reset+ EPB+ Oil/service reset+ Battery matching+ Diagnosis for Japanese and Korean serials (extra bonus function)
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