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Launch Icarscan OBD2 diagnostic Tool FAQs and Solutions

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Q: ICARSCAN registration is unsuccessful When registering to activate Launch X431 Icarscan, the prompt: the device is already activated by another user or activation failed. A : There are 2 possibilities: If the above situation occurs, please check if your username is correct, or contact us to help you find the correct username in our system. Our contact email is < service@autonumen.com > 2. Another possibility is that this ICARSCAN Serial Number has not been registered into our sales system. You need to contact us to help you register in our system, you can register normally. Q: Log in to the Launch Icarscan APP and run the model software appear ErrID:-6 A: Generally, this version of the software has a bug and needs to be contacted by us. We will solve this problem within two working days. (We will fix the bug and re-release the new version of the software) A new version of the software has been released and we will notify the customer to update the software of the app. Q: Use the Launch X431 Launch Icarscan to connect to the car for diagnosis. The final prompt is as follows: A : There are 3 possibilities: 1. It is possible that this version of the software will not be able to test your car. Please provide us with detailed model information. We will develop this model immediately and update it to the next version of the software. You can just download the new version and test it. 2. If the prompt is found in different cars, the Icarscan hardware may be damaged and the hardware needs to be sent back for repair. 3. there are other possibilities. For example, there is a problem with the car’s diagnostic seat, the car’s electrical system has been modified, and so on. You can feedback the problem to us in more detail. We can solve it for you faster. Q: When The launch icarscan app was running, it suddenly stopped. The diagram below: A: Generally, such problems may be caused by too low hardware version or too low car version. The hardware is automatically upgraded. Only the bluetooth connection box is needed to keep the mobile phone network open, and the App will automatically prompt the firmware to upgrade. If the hardware upgrade is not resolved, please update your software to the latest version. If both the hardware and software are upgraded to the latest version, the problem remains. Please provide your icarscan App version and serial number, mobile phone model and android version to us. We’ll work it out for you in two working days. Q: Install the Launch icarscan EZdiag APP, and when it is running, prompt: APP EZdiag stopped A: This is usually because the phone’s operating system is not compatible with the icarscan APP. Customers need to provide: For App versions, box Numbers, phone models and android versions, it’s best to record a video to locate the problem According to the information provided by the customer, we will modify our APP to be compatible with the customer’s mobile system.
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