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What is the procedure for Mobile Number Portability from BSNL to Vodafone?

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The process of porting your BSNL SIM to Vodafone is very easy. You can use the MNP service provided by 10digi.com and Switch to Vodafone. The entire process is online and quick. Before visiting this portal you need to generate a porting code and keep it saved. To generate this code, send an SMS in the following format: Port <10 digit number > to 1900 You will receive a code. Keep it saved. Login to 10digi.com and choose prepaid or postpaid option at the dashboard. Select Vodafone and choose a plan suiting your needs and budget Choose option ‘MNP’ and input the delivery code. Fill in details such as address, preferred time and date of delivery Confirm your order. The SIM will reach the mentioned address within two business hours The representatives at 10digi.com will guide you through the entire process and help you with the first recharge.
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